2020.12.07 Yahooshua {Jesus} was an observant Jew [Yahoodite] Created by James on 1/9/2021 12:43:48 PM There is a lot of misunderstanding about who Yahooshua {incorrectly called Jesus} was, in particular, his life and teachings are used as a basis for anti-Semitism and Jew hatred. The fact is that Yahooshua {Jesus} was a Yahoodite {Jew} and came and died for the Yahoodite’s {Jews}. In particular:
2020.12.07 Yahooshua {Jesus} was an observant Jew [Yahoodite]
There is a lot of misunderstanding about who Yahooshua {incorrectly called Jesus} was, in particular, his life and teachings are used as a basis for anti-Semitism and Jew hatred. The fact is that Yahooshua {Jesus} was a Yahoodite {Jew} and came and died for the Yahoodite’s {Jews}. In particular:
- Yahooshua’s mother, Miriam, was a Levite and her cousin was married to a Priest so Yahooshua grew up under Priestly influence. Yahooshua was a Yahoodite {Jew}.
- Yahooshua had NO human father so NO male bloodline and therefore NO bloodline curses.
- Yahooshua spent time with Yogi’s in Northern India in his twenties learning about the supernatural -- the wise men from the East who brought gifts two years after Yahooshua was born.
- Yahooshua was filled with the Set-Apart Spirit of Yah when he was immersed for cleansing by Yahoochanan the Immerser {John the Baptist}.
- Yahooshua spent 40 days and 40 nights in the Wilderness on a water only fast in order to attain the anointing necessary for healing and other miracles.
- Yahooshua lived his entire live as an observant Yahoodite {Jew}, he kept ALL of Yah’s Commandments and went to Synagogue on the Sabbath.
- Yahooshua challenged false Rabbinic laws and teachings that went beyond what Father Yah mandated and he did this in a manner that confronted their error, provoked their religious demons and caused them to call for his death.
In ALL of the above it is VITAL to realize that Yahooshua was an orthodox, observant Yahoodite {Jew} and that he DIED FOR THE JEWS! Anyone who condemns the Jews, speaks against the Jews is speaking against people who, even today, are in some degree serving Father Yah!
Dr James A Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman
End Time Issue Ministries
12 December 2020

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